“100 Great Fantasy Short Short Stories” is a captivating collection of fantastical tales that transport readers to magical realms, mysterious lands, and extraordinary adventures. Edited by Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg, and Joseph D. Olander, this anthology brings together an eclectic mix of fantasy stories, each no more than 2,000 words long, making them perfect for quick, immersive reading experiences.
From mythical creatures to enchanted forests, and from epic quests to whimsical encounters, these short stories showcase the creativity and imagination of some of the most talented fantasy writers. Each story offers a brief but enchanting glimpse into a fantastical world, leaving readers spellbound and eager for more.
Whether you’re a seasoned fantasy fan or new to the genre, “100 Great Fantasy Short Short Stories” is sure to delight and entertain. With its diverse range of stories and imaginative settings, this anthology is a treasure trove of short fiction that will transport you to realms beyond your wildest dreams.